Hsinchu, Taiwan
AUO Corporation ("AUO" or "Company") today issued the following statement regarding the United States Department of Justice’s ("DOJ") action towards AUO, AUO’s US subsidiary and six personnel including the Vice Chairman Mr. HB Chen and the President Dr. LJ Chen:
"AUO has cooperated with the DOJ and other authorities in their investigations of the TFT-LCD industry since they began in December of 2006 and is disappointed with the DOJ's action today.
When institutions are confronted with allegations of wrongdoing, it is tempting to look for someone to blame, even its own managers or employees. Regardless of what others may do, that is not the way AUO does business and is not the path it chooses now.
AUO believes the facts of the case do not warrant such charges, as shown, among others, by the intense competition within the industry which has benefitted consumers as shown by the steep decline in prices over the years for TFT-LCD panels. AUO has achieved its technical and market success through the hard work of its many dedicated and talented employees, and has long been a leading innovator in the TFT-LCD industry. AUO is proud of what its employees have accomplished and will stand with them in defending against these allegations. AUO’s culture of innovation remains strong and will continue as it expands into solar energy solutions and pursues its vision as a green service provider.
The Company believes in the integrity and fairness of the U.S. Justice System and so will continue to defend itself. Despite AUO’s strongly-held views, the company will continue to review the matter and take appropriate actions as the case progresses. The Company believes that the indictment will not have a material adverse impact to the Company's normal operations currently."
Yawen Hsiao
Corporate Communications Division
AUO Corporation
No.1, Li-Hsin RD 2, Science-Based Industrial Park,
Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel:+886-3-500-8899 ext:3211